It's official, I bought my plane ticket last Friday. I will be traveling to Hong Kong December 19-28th to visit my friend Katie. She moved there in August and will live there for two years teaching english as a second language. I am off work for two weeks over Christmas, so I planned the trip for then. I leave from Louisville and fly to Chicago, then Los Angeles, then to Hong Kong. The trip will take a total of 24 hours. The flight from L.A. to Hong Kong is 15 hours. They are 12 hours ahead of us so I will lose a day on the way there and gain a day on the way back.
I'm pretty excited and a little nervous too. I don't like to fly more than I have to, but I took a 12 hour plane ride to London in 1994 so I know what to expect.
If .you want to read more about my friend Katie in Hong Kong, she has a blog at http://katielivinginhongkong.blogspot.com/. She has a video of her new apartment on there. It looks really cool!

If .you want to read more about my friend Katie in Hong Kong, she has a blog at http://katielivinginhongkong.blogspot.com/. She has a video of her new apartment on there. It looks really cool!