Friday, June 22, 2007

Rain!! happy we finally got a significant rainfall. My lawn and flower beds really needed it. Unfortunately i was planning on cutting grass tonight and I'm not sure it will dry up enough to allow that. It's a little overdue. I didn't cut it Mon or Tues because of rain, Wed I had class all night, and last night I had Bible study. Guess I will have to wait until tomorrow. The problem is that I have a really anal neighbor and I had a nightmare about him coming over and telling me to cut my grass!! lol. I shouldn't be worried about him, but he has made several comments about other things he would like me to do with my house. lol. Such as he said so are you going to get a storm door for the door on the side of your house. I said "no becasue i plan on building a garage next summer. " Then he said,"Are you going to repaint the bricks on your house?" I said,"No, it is supposed to look like that, a little antiqish." He said, "Well, it sure would look different if you painted it." He is a nice guy, just kinda different, but never-the-less I am havinghightmares about him. Funny.

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