Wow. This whole kitchen remodeling project is a little overwhelming. I knew it was going to be hard work, but I had no idea how diffucilt and slow it would be. I spent last weekend sanding my cabinets. Some I did by hand and I used an orbitol sander on some of the doors. That took me two days. I started primering last night. I only primered a couple of cabinet doors before I had to call it a night. I was exhausted from the weekend. Tonight is reserved for yardwork unless it rains. I have posted a couple of "before" pics. There are not 100% truly "before" since I had already started tearing my kitchen apart when I took them. I had already taken down the 'country grapes' wallpaper and emptied my cabinets. You will see that my kitchen table is covered in stuff from my cabinets too.

So my plan is to paint the cabinets white, paint the walls taupe with white trim, replace that horrid butchers block counter top with granite, replace the stainless sink with a deeper white porcelin sink, replace the standard faucet with a goosneck brushed nickel faucet, and replace the old fridge and stove with newer white appliances (maybe stainless appliances). The floor will remain since I like the ceramic tile, but it is an off white so I hope that looks okay with all the white.
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