Bible study last night was fun. We had it at a house with a pool and hot tub, so we sat in the hot tub and talked about things that are going on in out lives and had a prayer session. We were in there for probably and hour and a half and I was feeling a little prunish as the end. We also had pizza, salad, fruit and cookies. It was nice change from our normal Bible study.

We talked a lot about our goals and one of the girls mentioned that she was going to participate in the Evansville half-marathon in October. Training starts next week and I decided to sign up. It has always been a goal of mine and I guess no time is better than the present!! I am pretty nervous about it, but I know with perserverance I can do it. I don't expect to run the entire time since this will be my first half marathon, but I want to at least run half of the distance. My goal is to run 6.5 out of 13 miles. I have done some training before and I know that as long as you stick with it and start slow you can build up your endurance quickly. Wish me luck!

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