Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Training is not fun.

I got my rear kicked last night at the first training session. Apparently there was "pre-training" training too. lol. I did not hear about that. It was obvious who had started training early and who hadn't. I was in the back with the others who hadn't done any pre-training. =) I survived it, but it was painful. I made it through the first running interval fine, but when the second interval came up I got a sharp pain in my right side early on and had to return to a brisk walk. I did not even attempt to run the third interval since my side still hurt and I made it part of the way through the fourth. I was really loading up on water all day before the run and I think that was my mistake. Tomorrow I will just drink a normal amount. I'm a little sore today...mostly my obliques. I thought for a few minutes about dropping back to the walkers group, but thought better of it. My goal is to stay in the run/walk group through all of the training. Even if I am dead last I want to stay in that group. There were people still behind me yesterday, but I have a feeling some of them will drop back to the walkers group. I just need to remember that it's going to take some time to get my endurance up. I want to be up in the front, but I have to remember that those people started somewhere too. To get where they are I have to do the work they did. The hot, humid weather is only going to make it more difficult. Perserverance is the key!

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